A very warm welcome to Mother Care Primary School Kagadi
Thank you for taking the time to browse our website. I hope that you find it informative and that it answers any questions you may have. My name is John Omwatum and I feel truly privileged to lead such a wonderful school and to have the opportunity of ensuring that each child at Mother Care Primary receives the best possible education in their formative years.
Often graded our school as ‘Good’ in our most recent inspection in March 2022. We hold many nationally recognised awards including: Leading Parent Partnership, Healthy Schools and Sports Active Mark. In addition, we have best boarding facility. As a school, we continually work hard to build upon our strengths and to address our areas for development in what is an ever changing and challenging educational climate.
At mother Care Primary we have high expectations of our children and set challenging targets for them. Every child is encouraged to reach their full potential and we recognise that every child is special and has their own contributions to make.
Our staff is dedicated, hardworking and experienced. We provide a safe, calm and caring atmosphere in school and foster a hardworking ethos based on an enjoyment of learning within a stable environment. We expect a great deal from our children and they do not disappoint us. We are pleased to offer a varied selection of enrichment and enhancement opportunities and possess excellent links with our diverse community – we are very proud of our reputation as a warm, welcoming, family school.
The Staff and management continually seek the views of parents, carers and visitors to our school. We recognise that parents play an important role in the education of their children and as such, we welcome your support and co-operation in making your child’s time at mother Care Primary enjoyable. We are fortunate to have a very active Parent Teacher Association and encourage parents and carers to be involved in all aspects of school life or to discuss any concerns or issues with us. Please call at any time to make an appointment to see either myself or my team – all members of staff will value discussing any aspect of your child’s education and general welfare.
We have an aspiration for all our children that through their school journey they will fulfil their academic potential and become successful lifelong learners. In addition, we endeavour that our children will possess high levels of both social and emotional intelligence so that they are well placed to succeed and thrive in the future, becoming active and productive members of society.
Our website is only a glimpse of what we feel makes mother care Primary distinctive. The best way for you to appreciate what we can offer your child is to experience our school first hand. I do hope you will visit us to meet our children and staff and to experience life at our unique school.